Our summer began with some vacation time in June, which we used to visit my dearest friend, Sara, and her husband Eric. They live in a small (very small!) town in southern Oregon where Eric pastors a church. Their home was delightful, and Fin pretty much decided from the instant he stepped foot into it that it was his place. He LOVED playing with "Uncle" Eric, "Auntie" Sara, and their two dogs.
Here's Fin, taking over the breakfast table. Yes, he wears that hat EVERYWHERE.
He also took advantage of plenty of auntie lap time - and nose picking time, I guess.
He decided to try on Uncle Eric's work boots. He was so proud of himself.
Then we couldn't get him to take them off...
We had a lovely time of relaxation and fellowship. There's a cute park in the middle of the town that Aunt Sara took us to. Fin took full advantage of the chance to climb.
And slide.
And perfect his acrobatic moves.
Clara also enjoyed the sunshine and good company.
The final morning there, we hiked out to a very pretty mountainous area with a stream. Fin got treated like a little prince.
And had a great time looking at and throwing rocks with Uncle Eric.
Such a great time we had. Thanks, Sara and Eric, for a wonderful visit!
Then we celebrated Father's Day. It was Dru's 2nd Father's Day as a father...now with TWO kiddos! Enjoying some early morning Father's Day time with Clara.
Then Mr. Fin got up and wanted time with Daddy, too. I love this picture - you can see in Fin's look how much he adores his daddy.
Then we went out to my parent's farm so Dru could go ground squirrel hunting with my dad and brothers-in-law. He also had plenty of time to hang out with his kids.
Love this picture of brotherly love! :)
Daddy with his babes.
Brother-in-law, Heath, with his new baby, Leila, Poppy, Callia, Dru, Fin, and Clara.
Clara getting some kisses from Daddy...love this pic.
The summer went quickly and Clara hit a bunch of developmental milestones. She started standing alone in July. So proud of herself here!
For 4th of July weekend, we went camping with my sister, Chelsea, and her family out at Silver Creek Plunge. We had SO much fun.
Dru putting up the tent first night there.
Callia and Fin, best buds, who did a great job playing together for the weekend.
Clara's excited to be on her first adventure in the great outdoors!
Campfire time!
My parents came out for a day to join in the fun.
LOVE this picture of Poppy and Finny fishing together.
Cute breakfast baby.
More hiking!
Fin playing with his new cousin, Leila.
Fin and Clara both woke up with fevers on the day we left. They were extra cuddly.
What a fun camping trip overall. Even with 4 very small children! :)
Clara 9 months old! Too cute...
All the cousins at a pool party at Aunt Chelsea's.
Next up...Fin's birthday. He LOVES cars, so I decided to have a car-themed party for him and I attempted to make the cake - perhaps a bit overeager for my 2nd homemade cake endevour, but I think it turned out pretty well!
We had the party at the park in our subdivision. It was a perfect day!
Car-shaped watermelon and cheese. Fun!
Birthday boy!
All the kids decorated cardboard cars, which we hung around their necks...they then "raced" each other down a little hill. Here's Fin's car.
Then we had an egg hunt - I had put a small toy car in each egg. The kids loved this!
Fin with the spoils of the egg hunt...he treasured his little cars.
Time for cake! Mommy and Daddy with the birthday boy.
Cake and ice cream! YUM!
Fin's favorite gift was his John Deere pedal tractor. I love this picture.
What a fun 2nd birthday!
The summer also saw the farewell of Fin's beloved pacifier. He got to pick out a toy to replace the paci, and he picked out a stuffed Elmo. They were inseperable for weeks.
We also took a little overnight visit to my parent's in early August. Clara loves being at Nana and Poppy's!
Crazy hair Fin already in his cowboy boots, giving Poppy "5" (or "10"?)
A few random cute pictures...
We went to the zoo in mid-August. Clara looked like this the entire time - she was mesmerized by all the sites.
Fin insisted on pushing his own stroller...hahaha!
Looking at the giraffes...
C'mon, Daddy, hurry up!
More giraffes...
Then we walked through the butterfly exhibit...very cool! Clara had a ball watching all the butterflies flit past.

Fin....not so much. Heehee!
However, he did start his first bug collection this summer. Here he is proudly clutching his jar of rollie-pollie bugs!
We had my niece, Callia, over for a princess party. Fin was not invited, but he showed up anyway. At least he came in the proper attire! :)
A few more random pics...
More giraffes...
Then we walked through the butterfly exhibit...very cool! Clara had a ball watching all the butterflies flit past.
Fin....not so much. Heehee!
However, he did start his first bug collection this summer. Here he is proudly clutching his jar of rollie-pollie bugs!
We had my niece, Callia, over for a princess party. Fin was not invited, but he showed up anyway. At least he came in the proper attire! :)
A few more random pics...