Fin is growing oh-too-fast. He vocabulary is rapidly expanding, and he is starting to reason and put concepts together. The other day, he opened the drawer, found Dru's keys, held them up and said, "Car! Outside! Bye bye!" He also helps pick up his toys, says "please" for anything he really wants (especially cookies, crackers and booberrs which is how he says blueberres), helps fetch things for his sister, and launches himself in my arms for hugs and kisses. He loves to line up his cars now, and can specifically say and correctly identify cars, tractors, and trucks.
I have several pictures to share, starting with family shots. This is celebrating my sister's birthday at a restaraunt. Clara was sick so she wasn't in the photo with us.
These were all my valentines waiting for me when I got home from a long day at work on Valentine's Day. They're all so sweet!
Every night we have story time. Fin loves this - he gets to pick any book he wants and then the 3 of us read it together. Clara enjoys it, too!
This is often how you'll find Dru - a baby in each arm. They LOVE their daddy.
This next series if of Finny and Clara together. They were totally enjoying each other one day and I was lucky enough to capture it on camera.
Clara's turn! She is really starting to smile great big happy smiles now. Look at this face!!!

She's very her mommy. Uh oh.
She's my little cuddle bug, too, which is great because Fin is NOT a cuddler unless he's sick.

She loves sleeping in our bed. Found her like this one morning after I'd nursed her and then got up to take a shower.
Here she is sitting up!
She's usually very active in her little gym, but one afternoon I was in the kitchen and it was awfully quiet. I went in to the living room and found her up on her side fast asleep!
She still loves bath-time! Look at those eyes.
My happy little sweetheart
....and poser. :)
My sisters also threw a "welcome to the world" baby shower for Clara. It was so lovely! Here's the guest of honor and her mother.
Clara with her cousins - Callia and Gretchen, who both looked so pretty at the shower.
Playing games with Grandma Margaret, a dear family friend.
There were lots of sweet gifts
And Clara enjoyed meeting new people (once she finally got over her stranger anxiety, which took about 45 minutes of screaming!) :)
With Auntie and Gerri
With Nana - Clara got mad right before I snapped this. *sigh*
And of course, fast asleep on Aunt Sharon, who we tease about wearing an "ether necklace" because kids love her and are always soothed to sleep by her.
The party planners with me and Clara
She was so cute afterwards, smiling at everyone from her carseat.
She was so tired that night...she didn't even make it all the way to the crib before falling fast asleep. Sweet baby!
She's growing and learning, too. She loves floor time where she gets to pick up different toys that interest her.
She was so sweet one night after falling asleep in Dru's lap - she looks like a tired princess.
Bright eyes
Funny facial expressions, too. Wonder where she gets that???
She likes to curl her little hands up around her face. Just darling.
She's also a lounger. I've found her splayed out in the swing - it's really cute.
Her newest thing is sticking out her tongue. That's all her dad....
Now Finny. He has become much braver, and is taking more risks. Hence, more cuts, scrapes, bruises, etc. Lord help us. Here, he'd just fallen outside on the cement...he was okay once he got his blanket and sippy cup.
A close up of the war wound....
He climbs onto this rocking horse now, and rocks himself. He's already quite the little cowboy (yes, that's his other favorite cowboy hat....oh, boy).
He likes to "help" with the laundry. His version: take all the clothes out of the basket, carry them to the kitchen floor, drop them in a pile, then scamper off to play with cars while mom puts the clothes in the washer.
He thinks it's hilarious to look at you from between his legs. He'll do this randomly at any time. Here, he'd also raided my shoe rack.
In my shoes, again. This time with blankie in tow.
He's also decided that he likes his old car seat better. He can "rock" in it. Brother.
This was the day after he was born, for size reference. I can't believe how much he's grown! He's the 90th% for his height now...
His favorite toy of all time is the balloon. The balloon is also my new best friend! :)
He insisted on holding his balloon one day while he ate.
He also raids Daddy's shoe rack once in awhile.
Him and Daddy practicing for the Olympics. Or just goofing off.
Like his sister, he's also a lounger. He just forgets he can't fit in the baby's stuff very well anymore.
He's also a big fan of balls - small ones, bouncy ones, plastic, rubber, hard, soft - anything. One day, he got two small rubber balls and carried them around ALL DAY. He would not set them down to eat, even. Here, he's got one ball in each hand and is trying to figure out how to eat without setting either one down.