We've had a busy and very fun spring. Our Easter was lovely - we stuck around here and hosted Easter dinner at our house. Dru and I took the kids to the early service at church. The message was wonderful - there's nothing so simply profound as the love of God who sacrificed everything for mankind. I am deeply moved every time I am reminded of it - my favorite thing about Easter! After the service, they had an Easter egg hunt and balloon animals outside for the kids.
Fin LOVED his balloon puppy - look at this face!
Then it was off to the house to have Easter dinner. We had to get a few family photos in first, of course. I am so blessed to have a healthy, fun, wonderful family.
Nana and Poppy with the Easter kids
We were blessed to have my ailing grandmother join us for Easter dinner. Here she is with her grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Fin and cousin Gretchen with their bunny ears on. Cute!
Kicked back, waiting for dinner. Fin is so funny.
Fin with his Poppy. I think they resemble each other! Such love between these two!
With my sweet little Easter girl - SO MUCH fun to be able to dress up a little girl on special occasions!
Happy girl. Love it when she flashes those gums!
Just after dinner, monkeying around. I love the look on Clara's face. HAHA!
Then it was Easter egg hunting time! As usual, Poppy was the designated egg hider. Fin actually did remarkably well hunting for the eggs and finding them!
He picked up one egg that had candy in it. After that, he'd find an egg, shake it to see if it had candy, and if it didn't make any noise, he'd throw it back down and go search for another. Stinker!
This is so cute...love these two!
Mommy trying to help
Daddy and Clara
We ended the fun day with grasshopper pie, courtesy of my mom. Fin LOVED it! :)
Clara was so tired that night after a full day of activity. She fell asleep snuggled down with me. Love it!
I had a wonderful Mother's Day, too. After a relaxed, fun morning with Dru and the kids, we went out to my parent's for the afternoon.
Then Fin got to go horseback riding for the first time! Here he is petting the horse and getting used to it before we mounted.
On the horse! Fin didn't scream or cry at all - he did great!
Poppy had the lead rope to start off - I didn't know how well I could reign and hold Fin. But soon into the ride, I figured it out - we even trotted! Such fun!
Then Fin, Dru, and Poppy went off to pick me a boquet of wildflowers - a tradition we used to do for my mom on Mother's Day. While gone, Dru and Poppy taught Fin to say, "Happy Mother's Day" which Fin shortened to just "Happy Day!" Love that little guy!
First Mother's Day with both my sweet, special babies. I AM SO BLESSED!!!!