One afternoon after classes, we headed to a nearby hotspot called the Sea Pines Plantation, a 6-mile stretch of land that borders Cabilouge Sound and extends into the Atlantic Ocean. Much of the original plantation has been preserved as a forest preserve, complete with the original wetlands. If you head all the way to the end of the peninsula, there is a little Harbour town with a lighthouse. That's where we headed first, and had a nice lunch overlooking the bay where 75-million dollar yachts were bobbing.
Our favorite thing...FOOD

Then we toured the Harbour Town Lighthouse

We climbed to the top, and along the way they had several interesting Civil War museum-like pieces

Fin liked hiking up, as long as he was carried!

When we got to the top, this was the view of Cabilouge Sound

...and the bay with the yachts

Mom and Finny at the top

Daddy and Fin enjoying the views

Then we took a stroll out on the dock extending into the ocean - there were bottlenosed dolphins frollicking in the ocean about 200 feet from where we were standing on the dock!

View of the lighthouse from the dock

Fin was a trooper - he loves being outside and exploring

Then we hiked into the forest preserve - it was dense & swampy, and we were really hoping to see an alligator, but we didn't

We hiked into an Native American monument called the Ring of Shells, where native tribes would hold meetings within a ring of crushed shells - the shells offered protection and good fortune - you can still see parts of the original ring of shells if you look closely at the ground

Standing in "the ring"

The trees were an odd mix of deciduous, palm, and swamp

Dru is getting anxious about meeting and alligator...he was a little jumpy! :)

The end of our, just like the old days. Happy Anniversary, Babe!
What a nice anniversary, Margo! Congratulations!...And Fin is having so much fun with life, with the new experiences, like the ocean, the beach, the sand, the pool...He is a happy baby and he is growing so fast, I enjoy seeing him grow.. Thanks for posting the trip!
You mentioned Sea Pines Plantation...I heard of this place...where you staying around Hilton Head Island by any chance? We go there almost every year for a vacation in the summer. The kids really love it there and love the beach.