Clara smiling at Daddy...precious
Double chin girl - love those eyebrows and that hair!
Chillin' with Daddy
Who, me?!?
So tired...
Can you find the baby amid all the flotsam?
There she is!
Happy Girl!
It wasn't me...
Floor time
Hmmm....I am pondering the meaning of life
Still thinking about it....this is a hard one....
Practicing my rolling
Floor time
Hmmm....I am pondering the meaning of life
Still thinking about it....this is a hard one....
Practicing my rolling
Bath time!...Clara loves her baths - she is so content to be in the warm water.
Cheeky chick
Cheeky chick
Ready to go out in the cold
She holds her head up now and rolls easily from both tummy to back and back to tummy
Out cold on Daddy's lap
Now Finny's turn....he's had a shoe fettish lately - he puts our shoes on or he brings us our shoes and insists we put them on. He's become quite adept at walking around with gigantic shoes on. Here's some pics of him wearing our shoes.
We had a gigantic snow storm the beginning of December. Fin hadn't really ever been out in the snow before. Here's some shots of his first experience in it.
With his "cape" - sister's blanket
My boys
At the Christmas Lights Parade in Caldwell
Waving at floats with Mommy
Trying to stay warm with Daddy
His absolute favorite fruit of all time is raw blueberries - he literally hollers when he sees us getting them out of the fridge and then shoves them in his mouth as fast as he can.
His other fettish is wearing a hat while in the house. This day, he insisted on keeping his cowboy hat on the entire day (even for naps!)
He aslo likes wearing his new mittens everywhere - even when he's trying to drink.
I LOVE this picture!
Baby's nose!
Hi, Baby!
Cuddles all around...
Finally, some videos for your enjoyment. This is Fin speaking his classic babble while walking around in my new work shoes.
Here, Fin is talking to Clara. At the very beginning of the video, notice how he thinks I'm taking a picture and smiles a huge, cheesy grin. SO FUNNY!!!
Fin loves to help us around the house, no matter what we're doing. Here, he's helping Dru fix the door with the electric screwdriver.
And here, Clara demonstrates her rolling skills!
She holds her head up now and rolls easily from both tummy to back and back to tummy
Out cold on Daddy's lap
Now Finny's turn....he's had a shoe fettish lately - he puts our shoes on or he brings us our shoes and insists we put them on. He's become quite adept at walking around with gigantic shoes on. Here's some pics of him wearing our shoes.
We had a gigantic snow storm the beginning of December. Fin hadn't really ever been out in the snow before. Here's some shots of his first experience in it.
With his "cape" - sister's blanket
My boys
At the Christmas Lights Parade in Caldwell
Waving at floats with Mommy
Trying to stay warm with Daddy
His absolute favorite fruit of all time is raw blueberries - he literally hollers when he sees us getting them out of the fridge and then shoves them in his mouth as fast as he can.
His other fettish is wearing a hat while in the house. This day, he insisted on keeping his cowboy hat on the entire day (even for naps!)
He even had to wear his cowboy hat over his stocking cap when we went out to play. Hilarious!
He aslo likes wearing his new mittens everywhere - even when he's trying to drink.
Our kids love each other, too. Fin is constantly kissing his sister, rubbing her head, or pointing out her body parts to her (eyes, nose, mouth, hair). It's very sweet.
Kissing baby sister...awwww
I LOVE this picture!
Baby's nose!
Hi, Baby!
Resting his head on sweet
Cuddles all around...
Finally, some videos for your enjoyment. This is Fin speaking his classic babble while walking around in my new work shoes.
Here, Fin is talking to Clara. At the very beginning of the video, notice how he thinks I'm taking a picture and smiles a huge, cheesy grin. SO FUNNY!!!
Fin loves to help us around the house, no matter what we're doing. Here, he's helping Dru fix the door with the electric screwdriver.
And here, Clara demonstrates her rolling skills!