Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Growing, Growing....Gone!

Our happy, precious little boy turned 10 weeks old today. At his doctor's appointment yesterday, he weighed 11lbs 7oz and was 23.5 inches - he went from the 25% in both his weight and height to the 35% in weight and the 55% in height! He IS going to be tall like his daddy after all. He is smiling and cooing a lot now....such fun. Here (finally) are some good pictures of him smiling.

"I am a boy, a happy boy, a healthy boy, a hungry boy...."

We (again, finally) went to visit Fin's "aunt" Mellie Pie this weekend (AKA Mary Ellen Sawyer, our dear, dear friend from church who has been a wonderful support and blessing to me and Dru both individually and as a couple). Fin had a few "almost" smiles for Mellie Pie, but was battling some pretty bad gas pains that night....poor Fin....poor Mellie Pie! :)

Fin also graduated up to a new swaddle this week - the velcro was wearing out on the old one. If you've never seen/heard of these things and you have not yet had children, trust me on this one - they are a MUST HAVE. They're like individual blankies that velcro together to keep the infant swaddled up nice and tight without having to worry about them rolling out of the swaddle. Fin absolutely cannot sleep without it - he'll wake up crying in the middle of the night if even one of his arms has managed to wiggle out of it.

Fin also had quite the week of falling asleep on/with his daddy. He has a knack for coming up with some very (ahem) creative poses.

Fin's also enjoying a new wardrobe now that he can fit into 0-3 month clothes well. Here we are before going to church one morning - check out the sweater vest - TOO CUTE!

Hanging out with dad "preppy" style

Here are the random photos of the week
I'm full....

Moommy, can I have a HUG??? (yes, his shirt does say "I love my MOOMMY" - there's 2 little cows on it)

Who's your daddy...uhh, I mean moommy

That's right, girls....I am officially one of the BOYS - check out this camo. I am seriously ready for duck hunting and four-wheelin'. Wahoo!!!

And finally, a little video of Fin cooing and batting at objects dangling from his gym. I couldn 't be happier than to be the mommy of this little man. How God has blessed us so!

1 comment:

  1. the little MR Fin is so cute even with Gas! Aunt Mellie pie loves the Mighty Fin! thanx for the visit!!! :-) XXOO
