Well, my dad is FINALLY getting his wish - his middle child and his first grandson, along with his other favorite son-in-law, are finally moving home. God is so gracious and merciful to us - He provided an exceptional job for Margo back home in Ontario, Oregon as a pediatric P.A. A family friend of ours who is a nurse at the local hospital asked one of the doctors she ran into if the doc knew of anyone in the area that might be looking to hire a P.A. The doctor, who happens to be a pediatrician, said, "well, I might be." Our friend immediately got excited and told the doctor all about me. Intrigued, the doctor told her to have me forward my resume on to her, which I promptly did. Within a week, the office manager at Treasure Valley Pediatrics Clinic called me and an interview was scheduled - they paid for my plane ticket and we happened to have enough frequent flyer miles so that Dru and Fin could fly out with me. It was a whirlwind weekend - we flew out on Friday, I interviewed on Friday
and Saturday, we had dinner with our entire family Friday night and dinner with the clinic people on Saturday, and then flew back early Sunday morning. They offered me the job on Saturday during the second interview and I enthusiastically accepted. It is VERY hard to find a job as a pediatric PA anywhere in the COUNTRY, much less in the Northwest, much less in the town I GREW UP IN. This is definately the hand of God and we feel so blessed to finally be moving back closer to family. Dru is very excited about leaving, even though it means leaving a job he's had for 20 years; he is thrilled to begin a new adventure and is okay being a stay-at-home dad for a few months while he looks for a job out west.
Fin's first plane ride went exceptionally well. My friend, Anita, had made me a Mari wrap so that I could "wear" Fin through the airport and onto the plane. It worked great and Fin ate, slept, and played through the 8-hour trip to and from Idaho - he didn't fuss at all, which was a relief and a huge blessing. Here's our family marking Fin's first plane trip.

For the first time, all the cousins were together under one roof. Here's a picture of the daughters and their children, from L to R: Margo, Callia, Chelsea, Fin, Julia, and Gretchen

Cousin Callia really enjoyed meeting baby Fin - and Fin really thought cousin Callia was something special - he smiled for her over and over. It was SO cute!

The 3 cousins hanging out with Poppy and Aunt Chelsea

Nana, Aunt Chelsea, and Fin

Uncle Dru and Gretchen

Aunt Juju, Gretchen, and Fin

So, we're making the most of our time with friends while we're still in the Northeast. We went apple picking with our friends the Pullens and then spent a fun afternoon with them carving pumpkins. They made us a DELICIOUS lamb dinner which we chased with some homemade apple pie that I had thrown together right after apple picking. We are going to miss Rick, Lorena, and Hannah very much.
Tractor ride out to the apples

Mommy and Fin spotting "the good ones"
Good thing Daddy's tall....
We found some good ones!
Our family's first apple picking outing on a cold October morning
A baby apple for Fin!

Fin entertaining us with his faces in the apple house
The whole apple picking crew with the orchards in the background
Me and Hannah carving pumpkins while Lorena held Fin

The final creations...
Mommy with her inspiration for this year's jack-o-lantern (if you can't tell, my pumpkin's supposed to be a baby!) :)

Fin enjoyed sites and sounds on Daddy's shoulder - his expressions are priceless!!

Found Fin in his crib like this one night

Found him like this the next night...too funny!
You forgot to mention how much "litle Mister Mighty Fin" was going to MISS his aunt Mellie Pie when he moves to Oregon!!!
ReplyDelete[That is probably the more accurate interpretation for Fin's "stricken and worried facial expressions"!!!!
He is probably thinking...."Oh MY!!! I thought you said Auntie Mellie would fit in an on board Pet Carrier en route to Oregon!!! (...Ohhhh....Maybe you said "Uncle Maxie" would fit in the pet carrier!!!)
Such sillyness in the previous comment!!!! :-D
ReplyDelete--- but Seriously,Congratulations are in Order! I Know that you are really excited ... You will be missed by your friends in Maine more than you know, BUT as sad as I personally feel to see you go, I am excited for you to lay hold of the Great Adventure that lies before you.
--Kind of similar to "jumping into a Hot Air Balloon",surrendering yourselves to the beauty and Mystery of it, and allowing the wind to take you where it will!! Love you!
I can't belive I didn't see this post earlier. Congradulations!!! I am so excited for you. I hope we can get together some time and get reaquanted. My little mondey would love to meet yours. When are you moving out here?
ReplyDeleteI miss you guys!... It was fun to spend time in the fall with you!...May you post more pictures, please?...Finn must have grown a lot!...I miss the little man...
ReplyDeleteI luv ya!
Hey Margo! Congratulations on the new addition to your family! He is so cute! He looks just like Dru. Robyn is up visiting this week, and we were wondering how you were doing. It has been so long since I have heard from you. Did you ever get my e-mail? I guess we were a little surprised and disappointed that you had a baby and moved back to Oregon without letting us know. We were hoping to get together with you and Dru this weekend. Well, we are happy for you and wish you the best. Kara, Robyn, Mervyn, and Roxy