I have been EXTREMELY sick with this pregnancy - nauseous around the clock and vomiting multiple times a day, but fortunately it's finally starting to calm down. I am still nauseous periodically, but it's been almost 2 weeks since I vomited (knock on wood) and my energy is returning. Working 12 hour days at a busy pediatric clinic while nauseous and exhausted has been a real challenge, but the folks at work have been wonderful and I've made it through. My belly has popped out much sooner and much bigger this time around - I still hadn't built my abdominal muscles back up from the last time around. I felt rather ridiculous and a little depressed at having to bust out maternity clothes 14 weeks into the pregnancy, but I have to be comfortable! :)
12 weeks pregnant - I already have a belly
16 weeks pregnant - look at this monster - I can't imagine what I'll look like at 30 weeks!
Our other bit of very large, and for us life-changing, news is that Dru was offered a job with the city of Boise as the Plant Mechanic at the wastewater treatment plant. To maintain unemployment status, Dru was required to apply to 3 jobs a week. He happened to apply to this job, thinking there was no way he'd be qualified for it. However, they called him up for an interview, and out of over 100+ applicants, they chose him. To be honest, I was devastated at first - we had finally got into a routine with Dru staying home with Fin and it was so nice for me to have the extra support at home with being so sick with this pregnancy. But, this will be a great job for Dru, will allow him to mingle with other guys, the benefits are fantastic, and our church daycare had 2 openings in the infant and toddler room one week before Dru accepted the job. I am still really struggling with the whole daycare thing for our children - I cry every time I think about someone else watching over my babies 3 days a week - so please pray for me to have peace about this. Thankfully, the daycare is at our church and the infant room only has 3 other babies. I know Fin will have a blast playing with the other kids - he LOVES people - but it's still hard for me to accept...the waterworks are starting to flow again even as I type this. So, if you think about us in the coming days, please pray. Dru starts his new job tomorrow, but Fin won't go to daycare until Thursday, my first day of work this week.