She arrived October 4th at 6:48PM, weighing 6 lbs 10 oz and measuring 18.5 inches long.
I started having contractions the evening before around 4:30. They were coming about every 5-10 minutes. Dru and I debated about whether or not to go in to the hospital, but they weren't coming any more quickly and weren't getting really strong. So, we decided to go to bed; I didn't sleep. Finally, at 4:30, we got up and I told Dru we needed to go in. The contractions were every 5 minutes and were becoming painful. So, we called my mom, packed up Finny, and headed in to the hospital. They hooked me up to the monitor, and sure enough, my contractions were every 3-5 minutes. However, my cervix was dilated to only 3 cm, which is what it was 3 weeks earlier when I'd left the hospital with pre-term labor. The doctor told me to walk for 2 hours and if my cervix had changed, they would admit me. My mom had arrived, so she and I walked the halls of the labor and delivery unit for 2 hours. When they checked me again, I was dilated to 3.5 cm, so they admitted me!
Our family just after I was admitted, awaiting the arrival of Fin's sister
Fin's getting excited to meet his sister!
Mom's getting excited, too!
My contractions were getting stronger, and I opted for an epidural this time, so my OB came in and broke my water and then the anestestheologist came in and started my epidural. After awhile, I couldn't feel a thing on my left side, but was feeling every conraction on my right side. This went on for a few hours, and I started getting really uncomfortable. The anestesthiologist came back and said the epidural catheter must have gone sideways and that I would need another one. UGH!! So, he put in another epidural (ouch!). Then they had to start a drug called pitocin to re-induce my labor because the epidural had slowed my contractions way down. My OB came in and said it could be anywhere from 2-6 hours before I would deliver. However, shortly after starting the pitocin, I started having contractions every 30 seconds to 1 minute (thankfully by this time the 2nd epidural had kicked in so I wasn't in much pain) and within 45 minutes, I felt the urge to push. I called the nurse, who checked and sure enough, I was ready to push. She called my OB, who had left the hospital to go pick up his son. He started to race back, but was stuck in traffice; he told her to tell me not to push. He finally arrived 35 minutes later, and I started pushing. Clara made her entrance into the world with just 4 pushes. Unlike Fin, she cried immediately. The doctor cut her cord and put her on my chest. It was the most magical moment - there is nothing else quite like it - the instant surge of love.
Me and my man, waiting for the doctor so I could start pushing.
Finally, the doctor had arrived and I could push. I love this picture of me pushing and Dru wincing.
Clara getting all cleaned up. She stuck her little feet up the whole time. So cute!
All dressed up and warm
Back with an estactic mommy
With Dr. Hughes, my OB, who barely made it back in time. He was wonderful!
Fin met his sister for the first time shortly after she was born. He looked very intently at her for a long time.
Then he tried to poke her. What's this?!?
The four of us now!
And with Nana, who was there the entire day to help with Fin and support me. She was so good to us!
Daddy enjoying his new baby girl
Then the guests arrived. Poppy came first, followed shortly by both of Clara's aunts and their families.
Meeting Poppy for the first time!
Poppy and Nana with their two Smedshammer grandkids
Meeting Aunt Chelsea
Cousin Gretchen loved the baby!
Aunt Chelsea with her two nieces
Yippee! Love the pictures! Welcome little Clara Jean!
ReplyDeleteCongrats! to the new addition to your family. She is beautiful.
ReplyDeleteOH my goodness she is a cutie. Glad everything went well.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Margo and Dru! Clara Jean is so beautiful! Love the name too! Can't wait to meet her...is there going to be a baby shower or anything?
ReplyDeleteCongratulations!!!! Such a beautiful family!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Dru, Margo and Fin! Clara is a beautiful baby girl...We saw the pictures three times! Like you said what a magical moment!...I love the picture of the four of you, it is so beautiful. I am so glad your mom was there with you, that's wonderful! We love you guys and we are so proud of you! Lorena.
ReplyDeleteHey, hannah is writing to you! Oh my gosh, Clara is so PRETTY! I really want to go get an airplane ticket, and fly over to Idaho to see the four of you! I really miss you guys, and wish the best for you!
Fin is growing up so fast, a cute little toddler now! Well, hope that we can see you soon, congratulations, bye! -hannah
Oh my Gosh! What a beauty girl she is! I am not surprised though! How delightful to have a moment by moment account of her
ReplyDeletearrival! :-)
Thanks to God for keeping you all safe! Thank God also for the "little CLARA-Pie JR"!! I love sharing with you the joy of this moment--the "Magical Mystery" of her joyous birth!--- God's Faithfulness Embroidered Throughout! Am in Colo Springs, Colo right now stayin with my friends Joy and Leonard Lake. [Joy and Leonard met Dru when he was single....when they were visiting me in Maine!] I showed them your pictures and they are soo happy that he is married and has 2 beautiful children! :)
Blessings on your little family as it grows! If I can figure out how to stow away in Hannah's Suitcase to visit you soon,I WILL!!!!
Love you always and Miss you More--Aunt Mellie Pie
Hey you guys I'm so happy for you! I wish I could be there to hold Clara like I did Fin! :) She is adorable and precious! I love and miss you guys! :) ~Becky
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the arrival of your sweet baby girl! We must have similar taste or something since my big girl is also named Clara. =) We hope to be in Ontario over Christmas. It would be fun to see you and meet your precious family.