Thursday, July 8, 2010

11 Months Old and First Haircut

It's hard to believe that in one short week, our little man will be turn one already. He's been very busy this are a few highlights.

He discovered the joy of a cheap plastic inflatable pool in the backyard...this joy will last several years, hopefully

He also discovered that door stops make the funniest noise and are a source of endless fun

He learned how to stand by himself (look at that face!!!)

Still our sweet happy little guy

He also discovered that big people food is WAAAY better than that baby food crud - here he is on the morning he decided he no longer liked baby oatmeal and smeared it ALL over himself - he settled for a piece of toast instead

He also got his first major owie - he fell face first onto the kitchen floor and cut his upper lip - it bled and swelled immediately

Close up of his first fat lip

He did that about 20 minutes before we left to go see my cousin James who I haven't seen in 6 years - when we got home, he was plum tuckered out and fell asleep before Dru even got him inside from the car

He tried scrambled eggs for the first time and decided they were all right - after he dumped them out of his bowl, of course!

AND --- he got his first HAIRCUT!!! I can't believe he finally grew enough hair to be cut. We took him to Mindi, Dru's barber, who Dru really likes. Mindi and Fin both did beautifully.

Not sure about this yet...

Putting on the cape

The first cut - I love his little face here - he looks scared but he didn't cry!

Trimming the back - Fin looks like a professional, tipping his head forward and everything!

Getting the other side...

And WOOLA! DONE! Aren't I handsome?!? -- no more mullet...yay!!

He had to get a bath to wash off all the hair, and I couldn't resist a shot.

And finally, some videos of the little stink bug...the first is him playing peek-a-boo. Here he is plaing with a cloth diaper - what's so funny is that he thinks as long as the cloth is anywhere on his head, he's hidden, even if his face is still fully visible. He can play this game for hours...

This is of his new favorite noise. He will boing his lips with either his finger or with his whole hand - he does both here.

Our little man is all boy - at daycare, he's always pushing around the cars and trucks. Since we don't have many here, he finds alternatives. In this first one, he's pushing around his toy phone like a car - not altogether surprising considering is has wheels.

However, he pushes around all kinds of other things that DON'T have wheels, too. Here, it's a can of formula

And here, it's my flip-flop. Funny boy!


  1. Margo, Fin is sooo adorable. Congratulations on the next one! We miss you so much and would love to know if you're ever going to make it out this way, we'd love to see you!! Also, we're going to Maine in September and need some advice for what we should do...if you have some good advice we'd love to hear it.

  2. What a fun life Fin has!...All the new discoveries, my goodness!...And he is now a year old! Happy birthday Fin!...I still remember that beautiful day when you were born, I heard your first cry! and from there life has been full of discoveries, wait until you discover your Creator! It will be the discoveries of His eternal mysteries!...
