We also did a very "Nana-ish" activity this past weekend and visited the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens. It's a beautiful 248-acre garden right on the Maine Coast in Boothbay Harbor. Getting there was a little tough as heavy traffic made a 1.5-hour trip turn into a 3-hour trip; not fun with a hungry little baby, especially when we got out and had to find a place to feed the baby (i.e. Margo had to find a place to try to discreetly whip out Fin's milk factories with a crying, wiggly baby on her lap...challenging!). But we made it, and it was worth it. Here are pictures of the outing.
Uh, oh....time for an emergency diaper change! At least we found some shade and a nice bench - and we were by a frog pond! Couldn't have had a nicer "changing station."
Ahh...all better!!
Okay, so Dru and I aren't ashamed to admit that we love and appreciate potty humor. We both think that gas and other bodily functions are hilarious; poor Fin is doomed. When we have to wake him up to feed him, he's just like a little old man - he strethes and passes what my husband would call "some serious gas." We finally got a video of it, and we both giggled our way through it. Enjoy!
And, as always, the random photo gallery for this week.....
My favorite photo...
Curled up with Daddy
This is how we burp Fin - with his jaw in our hand and leaned forward. He's always so relaxed when we do it - look at his little hand flopped to the side.
He also flops on his mommy's shoulder...
And Daddy's shoulder....
Totally relaxed...
You guys are so funny---with your Potty Humor! Poor Little Mighty Fin! This part of blog will be banned and in the remote Archives when he's old enough to date! [Your Aunt Mellie Loves you Fin!]