Saturday, August 29, 2009

Best Birthday EVER

(Disclaimer: This is a really looong post - you may need to grab a cup of coffee/tea and settle in) :)
Okay, so I LOVE my BIRTHDAY. When my husband asked me why I love my birthday so much, I answered because it's a day to celebrate ME (and who doesn't like that?!?) This birthday was above and beyond exceptional. First of all, Dru helped with the middle-of-the-night feeding by bringing Fin to me in our bed, burping him, changing his diaper, and putting him back down (usually I do all of this and let Dru sleep because he has to get up so early for work). Then, when Dru came to wake me up after letting me sleep in (oh how I love to sleep, and sleep has been in such short supply lately!), he had brought me a special birthday breakfast (Dunkin' Donuts bagel with blueberry cream cheese, Boston creme donut, and toasted almond latte...YUM). Then Dru let me open one of my presents - a pair of adorable Teva sandals! - my husband has become so much better at picking out presents for me - he overheard a phone conversation I was having with my sister in which I was saying that since having a child, I hadn't bought anything for myself, even though I was in desperate need of a new pair of sandals. Dru not only listened, he took action - take note, all you husbands out there! :)

Then we played a game of birthday Cribbage, our favorite game. After being behind most of the game, I had a last-minute comeback and WON (and if there's anything I like more than my birthday, it's WINNING!) :) So far, so good. After a relaxing afternoon, we came to the best birthday present - the arrival of Fin's grandpa, Poppy Findley, and auntie, Aunt Juju!!

Waiting at the airport

Here they come!

Poppy meets Fin for the first time! - look at the sheer joy on Poppy's face

Adoring the new baby

Aunt Juju meets Fin but has trouble comandeering him from Poppy

After leaving the airport, we headed to the Olive Garden for a celebratory dinner. We all had a glass of wine and toasted to family, my birthday, and God's goodness. Then we headed back to our apartment for birthday cake, homemade chocolate-peanut butter ice cream (Dru's homemade recipe - it's AMAZING) and presents.

My birthday cake - Dru had it inscripted "Happy Birthday Mom" - I found that quite endearingly humorous

Look at all my presents! - with the best two presents of all being my dear husband and tiny son

After opening my birthday presents, I opened presents for Fin from family and friends back home. Poppy got these ADORABLE John Deere cowboy boots for Fin - his first pair of cowboy boots! Poppy cannot WAIT to get Fin into these for his first little tromp around Poppy's farm.

Aunt Chelsea sent an absolutely precious book that she created and put together for Fin - it's a fabric touch-and-feel book filled with pictures of our family so that even though we're seperated by 3,000 miles, Fin can learn about and see his family. She had each family member sign the pages and write a little note to Fin next to their picture, and then she filled it with buttons, puffy paint, and bright colors so that Fin can learn while we read it.

Aunt Juju painted these adorable wooden letters and frog for Fin's nursery, and got him an assortment of books and toys.

Fin also got very cute quilts from Margo's aunt Kathy and a family friend, Joyce, and an awesome, homemade hooded towel from family friend Lynette. Nana sent along some more sweet clothes that Fin can wear when he's older. After presents, we took a few more pictures.

3 generations

Cuddling with Poppy right before bedtime

Time with Aunt Juju (finally wrested Fin away from Poppy for a minute!)

Unfortunately, we only had 3 days with Aunt Juju and Poppy, but we filled them to the brim with fun activities. The morning of their first day here, to celebrate Poppy's arrival, Fin wore his little cowboy outfit, complete with his cowboy "hat."

The two buckaroos - check out Poppy's cowboy boots and Fin's cowboy hat

Smiling with Poppy

Little buckaroo did NOT want to get into his carseat

Then we headed over to the Shaker Village community in New Gloucester, Maine, one of the few remaining active communities and farms in the United States. The Shakers were a Bible-believing, highly community-oriented religious sect that believed in celibacy and plain old hard-work. We had a great time touring the grounds and looking at the farm animals.

The gang getting the tour of the Shaker Meeting House

In front of the meeting house

Poppy and Fin looking at the Scottish Highland cattle on the Shaker farm - Poppy's first chance to show Fin cows!

Scottish Highland cow - which the Shakers milked and ate - and a sheep!

Our family on a bench nestled into the Shaker property

Back at home the next day, Aunt Juju and Poppy enjoyed more quality time with Fin. Us adults played games, watched movies and enjoyed lots of discussion and fellowship during Fin's naps, but when he was awake, he was definately always the star of the show.

And of course it wouldn't be a complete visit if Poppy and Fin didn't fall asleep together (Poppy has a hard time sitting still without falling asleep - especially when he's cuddling a warm, sweet baby!)

Poppy and Juju left this morning, and while we are very sad they're gone, we were so thankful they were able to come over for a few days to meet Fin. We truly had a wonderful visit.

Other events of note for the week included my six-week post-partum check-up with my OB/GYN, Dr. Linnell, who was the one that delivered Fin. She was very pleased with my progress and how well I look - I have healed nicely and have no long-term damage from the delivery. I finally got a picture with her holding Fin.

Dr. Linnell and Fin

And, as always, the random photo gallery of the week......

Sleeping hard - check out those lips!

Umm...HELLO???....has anyone checked my pants recently?!?

Fin was so tired that he fell asleep right in the middle of tummy time

Daddy and the little man relaxing...Fin was doing some of his deep thinking

Who, ME???

Snuggled up in the bouncy seat, his new favorite place to sleep

I love it when he does this - I know I post a picture of his little hands folded every week, but I think it's SO PRECIOUS

ACK!...Daddy!!!...the burp is coming...!!!


  1. It was wonderful to meet Fin and cuddle him. I enjoyed "entertaining" him to keep him awake! Truly a sweet boy. It's difficult to live so far away from him. Thanks for a fantastic time!

  2. Cute! Cute! Cute!
    that burping face is priceless!
    Dru....I know just how he feels!!!!! Bless his little Heart!
    He and Auntie Mel will have to talk!
    Happy belated B-day Margo!!! Love you all!!!
