Fin's doing well with his developmental milestones - this week he learned to grasp and mouth objects, which is really quite remarkable for a 5-week old. Here's a video of him grasping and mouthing a rattle.
He's also really starting to enjoy his little gym, which is a mat with several dangling, noisy toys. Fin is working on his eye-hand coordination and has just started to figure out that he can bat at the dangly things instead of just look at them. Here's pictures of him in the "gym" - already taking after Daddy....
Fin's new nickname is "Piddles" (his father has already given him a number of nicknames including Mr. Universe, Fin-Feroo, Mr. Feroo, and Tiniest Man) but this week Mommy gave him the nickname Piddles. Fin had a pretty bad diaper rash (it's been SO hot and humid here), so I was trying to give him daily airtime without a diaper on a water-proof pad laid out on our linoleum floor. I soon discovered that Fin can PEE - within a 10-minute time period without a diaper, he will have peed 4-5 times. And I'm not talking just little squirts - I'm talking PUDDLES. He's worse than a little puppy! But he loves his airtime - he coos and talks and looks around like not having a diaper is the best thing in the world. Here's a picture of him during airtime.
Fin also attended his first Mexican Fiesta this past weekend. Pediatric Associates (the clinic I work for) has an annual summer barbeque at Dr. Linda and George Glass' home. It's always a huge affair, with tons and tons of food, games, and wicked cool prizes, as well as lots of hilarious craziness (think "The Office" meets "Scrubs"). This year there was a Mexican theme, and Fin got in the mood with a sombrero (I don't think he was too impressed). They also celebrated my birthday with a balloon and a cake. We couldn't resist a picture.
Random gallery for the week.....
Look at those eyes: girls beware!
I couldn't help laughing about the "piddles" term. Believe me little boys are way worse about that than little girls. LOL :)